Where I Lay My Head Down Is Home


Since I’ve been down, I’ve been to a few prisons. I did time at Tracy Reception Center (DVI) and that place is really run down. It’s a good thing they’re shutting it down. I’ve done a layover in Wasco, and that place was very dirty, plus the food was terrible. 

So far, most of my time was done in Calipatria (CAL). It wasn’t dirty and the food was halfway decent, but there were no options for jobs or self-help programs, and there wasn’t a lot of dayroom or yard… but it’s a level 4. 

The place I’m in now is Sierra Conservation Center (SCC) in Jamestown, CA. When I showed up it was Disneyland. All day programs, lots of job options and self-help programs. But, ever since covid hit, all that pretty much cut in half, which is better than most other places. 

I have heard that Mule Creek, Stockton, and Donovan are pretty nice, but everyone has their own opinion of nice. It’s all still prison.

If anyone feels like they would like to write to me personally, that’s fine with me as long as it’s respectful. If it’s B.S. I’ll just throw it away. Here’s my address:

Jordan Lynch

CDC #BG8415


Sierra Conservation Center 

5150 O’Byrnes Ferry Road

Jamestown, CA 95327

 *FUN FACT: A short note or letter to someone is called a KITE or a ONETIME.


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