Good vs Bad C.O.s

The people employed to monitor us and who dictate most of our day activities are called correctional officers (C.O.s). There are normally three in every building. One in the tower and two on the floor. A good C.O will pretty much leave you alone. He won’t give you a hard time over petty things. He will make sure that you get what you are entitled to—like a shower and yard/dayroom free time. If a good C.O. searches your cell, he will respect your stuff by not throwing stuff on the floor or disorganizing everything. Also he won’t confiscate petty things like lines for hanging laundry out to dry. Basically, they will be respectful of the position we are in. We’re already separated from society so other than for security and safety risks, why should they make our lives any harder?

For those C.O.s that do make our lives harder, it is seriously hindering people’s chances of rehabilitation. How can you feel confident and optimistic about going back out into society and contributing to civilization when you are mad from being constantly harassed. It really builds up a negative mentality when you’re constantly being denied simple things like phone calls, showers, or even sheets. This type of environment used to be a lot more common than it is nowadays, but it does still occur from time to time.


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